Chemistry - General Chemistry
Because an understanding of chemistry is essential to virtually every field of science, technology and medicine, chemists enjoy a very broad range of fascinating career options, including medicine, and genetic, pharmaceutical and commercial research.
Fast Facts
- Job possibilities range from education to medical.
- You’ll have opportunities to conduct research of your own, guided by experienced faculty.
- The employment world for chemical professionals can be divided into five main sectors: industry, academia, government, nonprofit and entrepreneurship.
- Our Chemistry program is built to prepare students for grad school.
Students have interned at
Because an understanding of chemistry is essential to virtually every field of science, technology and medicine, chemists enjoy a very broad range of fascinating career options, including medicine, and genetic, pharmaceutical and commercial research.
You could be...
You could be …
A chemist or materials scientist:Median pay $75,420 per year. Chemists and materials scientists study substances at the atomic and molecular levels and the ways in which the substances interact with one another. They use their knowledge to develop new and improved products and to test the quality of manufactured goods.
A forensic science technician:Median pay $56,750 per year. Forensic science technicians aid criminal investigations by collecting and analyzing evidence.
Medical laboratory technologist:Median pay $50,930 per year. Medical laboratory technologists often work in hospitals and collect samples and perform tests to analyze body fluids, tissue and other substances.
A biochemist:Median pay $82,180 per year. Biochemists typically work in laboratories and offices and study the chemical and physical principles of living things and of biological processes, such as cell development, growth, heredity and disease.
An environmental scientist:Median pay $68,910 per year. Environmental scientists and specialists use their knowledge of the natural sciences to protect the environment and human health. They may clean up polluted areas, advise policymakers or work with industry to reduce waste.
(Source: and
Chemistry - General Chemistry
Program Type
Additional Information
The required two c.u.s addressing the Scientific and Technical Skills competency are waived because the major’s introductory courses address this competency but are not general education courses.
Chemistry - General Chemistry Recommended Series of Courses
B.S.Oregon State University
M.S.University of Illinois at Chicago
Ph.D.Purdue University, West Lafayette
Gregory Edens, Ph.D.
Professor Greg Edens joined the Division of Natural Sciences and Math in September 2013 after having worked seven years in the industry. Prior to that, he had more than seven years’ experience teaching general, analytical, and instrumental chemistry.
Dr. Edens earned his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry at Purdue University, his Master's degree in Chemical Engineering at University of Illinois, Chicago, and his Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon.
Since his college freshman days, Edens has loved General Chemistry because of the breadth of topics covered. He enjoys learning new things each time through and strives to improve his teaching each year to inspire students, to give them a good foundation for upper-level science courses, and particularly to prepare them for Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry, which he also teaches.
In Summer 2015 he supervised two students in a research project to determine mercury in fish. The students found that chunk light tuna has less mercury than solid white albacore, while Ahi tuna has very high levels of mercury. With the support of a NASA grant, one of the students will study the geographic distribution of mercury as implicated by levels in fish.
He enjoys listening to classical music, playing the piano; and gardening, cooking and riding bicycles with his wife. Ask him about a book that has changed his eating habits and improved his health. He enjoys reading chemistry journals, as well as textbooks about physical chemistry and thermodynamics.
B.S., M.S., Ph.D.University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Maria Vogt, Ph.D.
Dr. Vogt is Professor of Chemistry. She obtained her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her specialty is Organic Chemistry and she has a minor in Biochemistry.
Between receiving her B.S. and M.S. degrees, Professor Vogt first worked as a research assistant at the Medical College of Wisconsin in the area of electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR). Subsequently, she worked as a Medical Technologist at Milwaukee County General Hospital, in the area of Special Chemistry.
Following completion of the Ph.D. degree, Professor Vogt spent four years as a Research (postdoctoral) Associate at the Ben May Laboratory for Cancer Research at The University of Chicago, investigating aspects of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
Professor Vogt’s multiple research experiences resulted in a total of 45 scholarly, reviewed publications in journals including “Synthesis,” “Journal of Organic Chemistry,” “Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,” “Cancer Research,” “Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung”, and “Organic Synthesis,” among others.
After completion of the postdoctoral studies, Professor Vogt obtained a faculty position at Rutgers University Newark. Rutgers’ focus was on research, rather than teaching, resulting in her arrival at Bloomfield College.
布卢姆bet188金宝搏官188宝金博是什么国家菲尔德学院,沃格特教授教怒mber of courses. These include seminar classes, Organic Chemistry lectures/laboratories, Biochemistry lecture/laboratory, and the chemistry course required of nursing majors. After many years in research, her focus has turned towards providing the best possible education in the classroom. She feels it is impossible to do two things very well. One can either be an excellent researcher or an excellent pedagogue. Professor Vogt prefers to be in that “pedagogue” category.
At the College, Professor Vogt has sponsored numerous undergraduate research projects. Her areas of interest include instrumentation and method development of experiments to incorporate into the undergraduate laboratory experience. Her students have participated in numerous poster sessions and have obtained scholarships from the American Chemical Society and the Independent College Fund of New Jersey.
Professor Vogt spends a lot of her time teaching and helping students. Her office has been called “Grand Central Station.” She advises many science majors, including the chemistry, Preprofessional (medical, dental, podiatry, physical therapy, physician assistant, pharmacy), Allied Health Technologies, Medical Laboratory Science, Medical Imaging Science, etc. majors. However, she does have a life outside of the College. She and her husband love to travel. Favorites include Montana (in the summer) and Florida (in the winter). Travel generally does not include “touristy” activities. With her husband, she has been into mines, collected fossils/minerals, gone horseback riding and visited ghost towns, just to name a few. Her favorite memories include snowmobiling in Yellowstone National Park and a visit to the Corning Museum in the Finger Lakes region of New York. When at home, her major interest is in “fussy plants.” She loves orchids and treating them with benign neglect to get them to rebloom.
M.A.Kean College of New Jersey
B.A.Rutgers College
M.S.New Jersey Institute of Technology
Ph.D.Rutgers University
D.C.NYCC-Northeast College of Health Sciences
Program Learning Goals (PLGs)
- Read and interpret scientific articles and literature appropriate to their level of study.
- Use scientific and mathematical language and notation precisely and appropriately.
- Present clear, accurate and well-structured scientific reports.
- Use technology effectively in gathering, interpreting, and presenting data and solving problems.